Qualiopi certification is the recognition by the French State of our processes in order to assure high quality training
La certification qualité a été donnée au titre de la catégorie
Qualiopi: certification based on the quality of teaching
The Qualiopi certification was created by the State to "certify the quality of the process implemented by the providers of actions contributing to the development of skills" and "to allow greater clarity of the training offer for companies and users” (source: www.travail.gouv.fr).
It is based on 7 quality criteria:
The 1st criterion validates the information disseminated to the public, in particular on the course programs and the number of students.
The 2nd criterion concerns the educational and professional objectives of the proposed course offer (competency-based approach).
The 3rd criterion concerns the adaptation of the programs to the students: reception, support and follow-up are evaluated to ensure the quality of the student experience.
The 4th criterion of the Qualiopi reference more specifically concerns technical and pedagogical means: equipment, premises…
The 5th criterion focuses on the teachers, their diplomas and their qualifications.
The 6th criterion concerns professional monitoring (expected skills, technical and legal aspects).
The 7th and last criterion evaluates our internal quality approach and the processing of the assessments sent to us.